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Natural Therapies: Herbal Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Therapeutic Essential Oils and the Emmett Technique

Dollarphotoclub 44212772smlBy Desrae Gant

Herbal Nutrition or the use of Herbal medicine helps support the body. We have all become more aware of the importance of eating good quality food and how this enhances the ability to maintain a healthy body. When the body becomes weakened by stress, illness or disease, introducing herbs for a specific purpose can achieve a targeted healing process.

Mostly and ideally it should be used as an everyday diet, to build the immune system to prevent illness.

Therapeutic Essential Oils:

You may have heard the old saying “Oils aren’t oils” this is so true.

The oils used are chosen because they have been “tested and validated on humans” and now studied and used on animals with amazing results.

Young Living Essential Oils are 100% Pure Organic they are planted with the intention to heal, grown from seed to seal.

According to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts, priests and physicians were using essential oils to heal the sick, thousands of years before Christ. There are 188 references to oils in the Bible.

The effectiveness of essential oils cannot be fully understood without some discussion of frequency. Frequency is the measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is constant between any two points. Everything has frequency. There are many books explaining electrical frequency and much about a person’s health can be determined by their frequency. The study of frequencies raises important questions, concerning the substances we eat, breath and absorb. Many pollutants lower healthy frequency.

Processed/canned food often has a frequency of zero. Fresh produce has up to 15hz, dry herbs from 12-22Hz and fresh herbs from 20 -70Hz. Essential oils start at 52Hz and to as high as 320 Hz. Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance know to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus etc cannot live.       

As we progress and clinical research is documented and evidence is supporting these 100% Pure Organic Essential Oils are:

* Immune Stimulating            *Anti-viral                               *Anti-Infectious

*Anti-bacterial                                    *Antiseptic                              *Anti-fungal

*Anti-oxidant                         *Anti-cancerous                      *Regenerative


emmettEmmett Technique:

Desrae commenced her studies in Emmett Technique and was so blown away with its results in the equine species it lead her to study and also complete her Practitioners’ Emmett Technique for Humans.

Emmett Technique is a safe and simple muscle release therapy developed by Remedial Therapist Ross Emmett. It is used to address pain and discomfort, improve body movement and can restore a positive emotional stage.

It is a special form of body therapy that involves application of light finger pressure at specific points. These are in sequences that enable gentle releases for common problems which include neck, shoulder, legs and back pain. The therapy addresses tissues that may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin joints or other connective tissue (fascia) as well as lymphatic vessels or organs of the gastrointestinal system.

Accurate and fast assessment of imbalances present in the body are an integral feature of this technique.

Addressing a condition from a Holistic approach is very important in supporting the healing process.


IMG 3260Desrae Gant has many years working with animals both professional and on a personal level.

She has 31 years in the Veterinary Industry commenced as a Junior Veterinary Nurse and working her way up into the role of Hospital Coordinator in 2 Veterinary Hospitals: one in a mixed animal hospital and the current in a Small Animal Hospital. Both these positions became possible due to her commitment to her professional studies and personal desire to ensure the patients receive the best possible care and treatments. From her personal experiences with her own dogs, cats and horses she has been able to watch and observe their conformation, gait and behavior. Desrae also had a very successful Riding career in the fields of Hacking, Dressage than moved onto Western Pleasure. Her awards of High Point Horse and Rider varied at State and National level and also a prestige American High Point Award. 

Passion, persistence, and dedication has always brought forward the rewarding results.    

Over the past years Desrae was led by a burning knowing which had challenged herself and the Veterinary profession by embracing the belief in the benefits of Natural Therapies.

This commenced with studies in Herbal Nutrition and Herbal Medicine, followed by Therapeutic Essential Oils and then Emmett Technique.

Together these combined therapies have proved over and over again the wonderful and powerful true gift of Mother Nature.


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